Distribution: MBS Patient Demographics 2016 Qtr 3 (July)

Dataset: Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) - Items by Patient Demographics Report


Data is updated monthly

•Quarter 3 contains data from 1 July 2016 to 31 July 2016

•The figures in the report include only those services that are performed by a registered provider, for services that qualify for Medicare Benefit and for which a claim has been processed by Medicare Australia. They do not include services provided by hospital doctors to public patients in public hospitals or services that qualify for a benefit under the Department of Veterans' Affairs National Treatment Account.

•State/Territory is determined according to the address (at the time of claiming) of the patient to whom the service was rendered.

•Month is determined by the date the service was processed by Medicare Australia, not the date the service was provided.

•The figures are made up of total services claimed minus later day adjustments. A later day adjustment is a reversal of a previously claimed service and can occur for a number of reasons. In some months the number of later day adjustments exceeds new claims for an item. In these circumstances, the total figure for the month will be negative.

•Monthly figures may vary due to the varying number of processing days in a month, which depends on the number of days in the month, public holidays, overtime worked etc.

•If you require statistics at a more detailed level, please contact statistics@humanservices.gov.au detailing your request. Medicare Australia charges on a cost recovery basis for providing more detailed statistics and their provision is subject to privacy considerations.

General Information