Medicare provides access to medical and hospital services for all Australian residents and certain categories of visitors to Australia. The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) lists services that are subsidised by the Australian Government under Medicare.
These reports provide patient age range and gender, number of services and total benefit amount per State/ Territory on Items in the MBS Schedule. An Item is a number that references a Medicare service. Item numbers are subject to change.
Data is provided in the following formats:
Excel/ xlxs: the human readable data for the current year is provided in individual excel files according to the relevant quarter. Historical data (1993-2015) may be found in the excel zipped file.
CSV: the machine readable data for the current year is provided in individual csv files according to the relevant quarter. Historical data (1993-2015) may be found in the csv zipped file.
Additional Medicare statistics may be found on the Department of Human Services website.
Disclaimer: The information and data contained in the reports and tables have been provided by Medicare Australia for general information purposes only. While Medicare Australia takes care in the compilation and provision of the information and data, it does not assume or accept liability for the accuracy, quality, suitability and currency of the information or data, or for any reliance on the information and data. Medicare Australia recommends that users exercise their own care, skill and diligence with respect to the use and interpretation of the information and data.