Dataset: WAMSI Node 6.2 - The Impact of tides and internal waves on offshore engineering - field measurement program - 70 km NW of North Rankin platform


The IWAG (Internal Wave Boundary layer Generation) instrument was deployed from October 23, 2008 to November 11th, 2008, on the NWS offshore from North Rankin A (NRA) in 420 metres of water.

The field experiment involved the deployment of 29 moored Seabird temperature sensors (SBE39), 1 Seabird conductivity-temperature-pressure sensor (SBE37-CTD), as well as 5 Nortek Acoustic Doppler Velocity meters (ADV) to observe differences in BBL properties during the 14 day spring-neap tidal cycle.

The 5 ADV’s measure velocities at a point in space in all three spatial directions and pressure at frequencies up to 64Hz. The ADVs were each synchronized with a co-located temperature sensor, permitting the calculation of turbulent heat fluxes in addition to a multitude of other turbulent properties.

Vertical extent was between 390 metres and 420 metres below Mean Sea Level.

General Information
