Dataset: MBC Assessment Units 20160714 v02



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from The OGIA model 1.5km grid cells. The source dataset is identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

This Assessment Units dataset is a 1500m * 1500m vector polygon ('vector grid') dataset that was generated over the entire OGIA model domain with subsets of that grid extracted for the MBC Analysis Domain and the MBC Focal Analysis Extents. These grids are intended for use in the MBC Subregion only. The Analysis Domain Assessment Units subset covers the area that is 20 km greater than the MBC Analysis Extent (AE). It was derived to perfectly align with the groundwater model results produced by the OGIA Model. The unique ID field for each vector polygon tile is AUID. The dataset is in Australia Albers (GDA94) (EPSG 3577).


The Assessment Units are intended for use in transferring data between the OGIA groundwater model and all the other relevant datasets including the assets and landscape classes.

Dataset History

This Assessment Units dataset is a 1500m * 1500m vector polygon ('vector grid') dataset that was generated over the entire OGIA model domain with subsets of that grid extracted for the MBC Analysis Domain and the MBC Focal Analysis Extents. These grids are intended for use in the MBC Subregion only. The Analysis Domain Assessment Units subset covers the area that is 20 km greater than the MBC Analysis Extent (AE). The Assessment Unit dataset is an exact copy of the OGIA model grid cells and was derived to perfectly align with the groundwater model results produced by the OGIA Model. Additional fields were added to generate unique AUID by concatenating the Assessment Unit resolution (1500) with the row and column numbers. The unique ID field for each vector polygon tile is AUID though the au1500_id field is also unique and integer-based. The dataset is in Australia Albers (GDA94) (EPSG 3577).

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2016) MBC Assessment Units 20160714 v02. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 25 October 2017,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
