Dataset: Gloucester Groundwater Quality 20150106



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

The aim of deriving this dataset was to be able to estimate groundwater quality and location of each groundwater bore with respect to the water source area in the Gloucester subregion. An estimation of groundwater salinity is made based on the total dissolved solids (TDS) values reported in the original data sets provided by the NSW Office of Water. This has been clipped to the Gloucester subregion.

A spatial dataset (point shapefile GLO_Bore_extractions.shp) has been derived from this data for report map purposes. Also the point TDS values have been interpolated into surfaces (separate Aquifer and Fractured Rock).

These spatial data derivations are also included in the dataset.

Dataset History

Bore locations in the Gloucester NGIS Bores database that were spatially located withing the Gloucester subregion boundary were extracted and filed.

Bores with groundwater quality in the NSW Office of Water Groundwater Quality extract 28_nov_2013 database that were spatially located withing the Gloucester subregion boundary were extracted and filed.

Based on the salinity/electrical conductivity values reported in the NSW Office of Water Groundwater Quality extract 28_nov_2013 database, total dissolved solids values were estimated and filed.

Bore were classified as "alluvium" and "fractured rock" based on depth of the bore from the surface as reported in the Gloucester NGIS Bores database. Bore with a depth less than 15 m and between 15m to 150 m were classified as alluvium and fractured rock bores respectively.

Bore points were separated into "alluvium" and "fractured rock" and their TDS values interpolated (ArcGIS TOPOGRID Spline) into two respective TDS surfaces. Surface extent was constrained to an arbitrary envelope around the data points. The interpolation bounding polygons are also included in this dataset as shapefiles.

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) Gloucester Groundwater Quality 20150106. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 14 June 2016,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
