The dataset depict's the extent of Commonwealth marine areas as described in Section 24 of the EPBC Act 1999.
Each of the following is a Commonwealth marine area:
(a) any waters of the sea inside the seaward boundary of the exclusive economic zone, except:
(i) waters, rights in respect of which have been vested in a State by section 4 of the Coastal Waters (State Title) Act 1980 or in the Northern Territory by section 4 of the Coastal Waters (Northern Territory Title) Act 1980; and
(ii) waters within the limits of a State or the Northern Territory;
(b) the seabed under waters covered by paragraph (a);
(c) airspace over waters covered by paragraph (a);
(d) any waters over the continental shelf, except:
(i) waters, rights in respect of which have been vested in a State by section 4 of the Coastal Waters (State Title) Act 1980 or in the Northern Territory by section 4 of the Coastal Waters (Northern Territory Title) Act 1980; and
(ii) waters within the limits of a State or the Northern Territory; and
(iii) waters covered by paragraph (a);
(e) any seabed under waters covered by paragraph (d);
(f) any airspace over waters covered by paragraph (d).
The data is largely based on the Australian Maritime Boundaries (AMB) dataset.Restricted
Access is restricted to DEWHA employee's.
The data is largely based on the Australian Maritime Boundaries (AMB) dataset, which is freely available from the Geoscience Australia website.