Dataset: Landscape classification of the Galilee preliminary assessment extent



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

This dataset contains shapefiles showing landscape classification, including all natural and human ecosystems, for the Galilee preliminary assessment extent.


It is constructed from source data (see Lineage) to show the landscape classification systematically and define geographical areas into classes based on similarity in physical and/or biological and hydrological character. The landscape classification includes all natural and human ecosystems in the Galilee preliminary assessment extent.

Dataset History

A landscape classification was developed to characterise the nature of water dependency among these assets.

The aim of the landscape classification is to systematically define geographical areas into classes based on similarity in physical and/or biological and hydrological character.

The landscape classification was carried out on data layers consisting of polygons (e.g. remnant vegetation, wetlands) and lines (stream network) and points (springs and spring complexes).

The layers created to contribute to the landscape classes were: GAL_Landform_LC layer; GAL_GW_SRCE_LC; GAL_FLD_r; GAL Streams; LC_WaterType_GAL; LC_WaterAvail_GAL.

The description of how these layers were created is below:

A. To make the GAL_Landform_LC layer:

  1. Merge Queensland wetlands (QLD_WETLAND_SYSTEM_100K_A) with South Australian wetlands (Wetlands_GDE_Classification (SA))

  2. Select wetlands from step A1that intersect the Galilee_SW_PAE_v02.

  3. Add a new field to wetlands data for landform class called "Landform_LC".

  4. From merged wetland data (step A1) select Queensland wetlands ( "Wetlandsys" field is not blank) and update Landform_LC to first letter of "Wetlandsys" value

  5. From merged wetland data (step A1) select South Australian wetlands ("WETCLASS" field is not blank) and update Landform_LC to "wetclass"

  6. Compare to Landclass_Draft1 (Don Butler's data) to check areas between wetlands created in step A1 have the "Landform" value of "-" and cover about the same percent of the area (~63%). This is true and therefore these data match the Don Butler data for wetlands.

  7. Select all wetlands as defined in steps A4-6 and eliminate errors or slithers created by slight overlaps when data were merged

  8. Select all wetlands as defined in steps A4-6 and delete all overlaps

9.Select all streams (AHGHMappedStream) within Galilee_SW_PAE_v02 and buffer to 1m total width. This makes the area of the stream equal to the length

  1. Overlap wetland areas with buffered streams (created in step A9) and erase any wetlands inside buffered stream areas. This ensures no overlapping polygons when wetlands and streams merged

  2. Merge buffered streams created in step A9 and wetlands created in step A10 to create GAL_LANDFORM_LC

B. To make the GAL_GW_SRCE_LC (GAL Ground Water SOURCE Land Class):

  1. Select "Aquifers assocated with springs that form saline scolds" and "Sandstone aquifers with fresh permanent groundwater connectivity regime associated with discharge springs") from GDE_Terr_Area_v01_3 that are within Galilee_SW_PAE_v02, add a new field called "GW_SRCE_LC" and update values to "Artesian"

  2. Select NRM_Regions_2014_v01 within South Australia

  3. Select subsurface GDEs (GDEsub) and surface GDEs (GDEsur) from GM_PED_AssetList_poly that are within South Australia (ie they intersect NRM regions in South Australia (those selected in step B2), add a new field called "GW_SRCE_LC" and update values to "Artesian"

  4. Select springs from Topo250KSeries3_gdb (Springs) that are within South Australia (ie they intersect NRM regions in South Australia (those selected in step B2) and buffer to 20m radius, add a new field called "GW_SRCE_LC" and update values to "Artesian"

  5. Select where LEB_Non-GAB_Springs.shp intersect NRM regions in South Australia (those selected in step B2) - there were none.

  6. Erase GDEs from step B3 that overlap with springs from step B4 and merge remaining GDEs with springs (step B4) and aquifers (step B1) to make GAL_GW_SRCE_LC

C. To make the Topography landclasses = GAL_FLD_r:

  1. Select landzone 3 from DP_Preclear_RE_DCDB_A

  2. Select floodplains from QLD_Wetland_System

  3. Combine LandSubjectToInundation, MarineSwamp, SalineCoastalFlat and Swamps from GA 250K topogrpahic flats data (GA_250K_topo(Flats))

  4. Select floodplains from Don Butlers landscape classes (Landclass_Draft])

  5. Merge landzone 3 (from step C1) with wetland floodplains (from step C2), flats from GA (step C3) and Don Butler's floodplains (step C4) then add a new field called "LC_Code" and update values to "10,000"

  6. Select floodplains (created in step C5) that are within the Galilee_SW_PAE_v02

  7. convert to raster and cut into 2 degree tiles to create GAL_FLD_1..75

D. To make the GAL Streams (no overlaps between buffered streams):

  1. Select streams from AHGHMappedStream within GAL_PAE_v02

  2. Buffer streams to 1m

  3. Select first 2 buffered streams, erase the first from the area of the second then merge the 2 together

  4. Select 3rd stream, erase from the 3rd areas that overlap first and second (results of D3), then merge

  5. continue for every stream until all done

  6. check for overlaps and remove if any to create GAL Streams

  7. add a new field called "LC_Code" and update values to "3" for riverine

E. To make the LC_WaterType_GAL:

  1. Select Queensland terrestrial GDEs (QLD_GDETerr) within GAL_PAE_v02 where salinity of groundwater >= 3000mg/L TDS

  2. Select Queensland surface GDEs (QLD_GDETerr) within GAL_PAE_v02 where salinity of groundwater >= 3000mg/L TDS

  3. Select Queensland wetlands (QLD_Wetlands) within GAL_PAE_v02 where "SALIMOD" = "S2" or "S3" or "T1"

  4. Merge results from E1, E2 and E3 to create LC_WaterType_GAL

  5. add a new field called LC_Code" and update values to 100 for fresh water and 200 for saline

F. To make the LC_WaterAvail_GAL:

  1. Select Queensland terrestrial GDEs (QLD_GDETerr) within GAL_PAE_v02 where water regime (WTRRegime) = "WR0", update LC_Code to 30 (intermittent)

  2. Select Queensland surface GDEs (QLD_GDETerr) within GAL_PAE_v02 where water regime (WTRRegime) = "WR0", "T1", "WT1" or "WR2", update LC_Code to 30 (intermittent)

  3. Select Queensland surface GDEs (QLD_GDETerr) within GAL_PAE_v02 where water regime (WTRRegime) = ""WT3" or "WR3", update LC_Code to 20 (near perminent)

  4. Select Queensland wetlands (QLD_Wetlands) within GAL_PAE_v02 where water regime (WTRRegime) = "WR0", "T1", "WT1"or "WR2", update LC_Code to 30 (intermittent)

  5. Select Queensland wetlands (QLD_Wetlands) within GAL_PAE_v02 where water regime (WTRRegime) = "WT3" or "WR3", update LC_Code to 20 (near perminent)

  6. Combine results from F1..F5 to create LC_WaterAvail_GAL

G. To make the REmVEG:

  1. select vegetation classes [1-23, 26, 29-32] from NVIS - Australian Major Vegetation Subgroups that are within GAL_PAE_v02,

  2. convert to vector data and add a new field called "LC_Code" and update values to "100,000" (remnant vegetation) to create REMVeg

H.To make Landscape_Tile1..4

  1. Update LC_Codes for all layers to ensure this code:

1 = P = palustrine

2 = L = lacustrine

3 = R = riverine

4 = E = estuarine

10 = permanant water

20 = near permanent water (water there between 70 and 100% of the time)

30 = intermittent water (water there less than 70% of the time)

100 = fresh water

200 = saline water

10,000 = floodplain

100,000 = remnant vegetation

  1. combine all layers to ensure end value is the sum of all values to create Landscape_Tile1..4

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) Landscape classification of the Galilee preliminary assessment extent. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 12 December 2018,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
