The dataset was compiled by the Geological and Bioregional Assessment Program from source data referenced within the dataset and/or metadata. New sinkhole and waterhole data for the Beetaloo GBA region, interpreted as part of GBA from remote sensing information. It includes locations and descriptions of dams, sinkholes, waterholes, circular clay filled depressions and ephemeral wetlands in the region. Waterholes and sinkholes are particularly prevalent in western Beetaloo GBA region. The sinkholes, waterholes and wetlands often appear to occur in clusters, and can be associated with depressions that can be over 1000m across. Some features may also occur adjacent to large palaeo-valleys, or in abandoned stream channels. Others seem to align with geological lineaments. Some sinkholes appear to be quite recent and contain little vegetation, whereas others are older and contain thick stands of trees. It is likely than many of sinkholes and depressions are forms of pesudo-karst that have formed in deeply weathered regolith on the Carpentaria Basin. Where the Carpentaria Basin is thin there is potential for sinkholes and conduits to intersect with limestone karst (sinkholes and conduits) that occur in the Cambrian Limestone Aquifer.
Geological and Bioregional Assessment Program
Points were manually interpreted from remote sensing data. Underlying datasets used to help with interpretation and targeting areas of interest include: Remote sensing images for Beetaloo GBA region - regolith ratios and barest earth (Available at: and Digital Earth Australia Waterbodies (Available at: The following columns are included in the dataset 1. Type - these are Dams, Waterholes (naturally occurring features), sinkholes, Ephemeral wetlands and depression. 2. Description - includes information on feature shape, vegetation etc., 3. Dimension, an estimate of longest dimension (in metres) 4. Name- whether the locality has a name. 5. Water - whether the feature is wet, damp or dry. 6 Source. data used to identify the feature. These include DEA (digital earth Australia polygons, RS (remote sensing regolith images), Imagery (aerial photography) or NT got (rangelands waterholes and sinkholes). Latitude and Longitude