Dataset: Great Artesian Basin (JK aquifer) Extent of Saturation - PED



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

Areas of the Great Artesian Basin (JK) Aquifer interpreted to be dry/not dry (unsaturated/saturated).


To indicate the boundary between saturated and unsaturated groundwater conditions within the JK Aquifer.

Dataset History

This file was developed along with a number of other data sets as part of the Australian Government funded research program entitled "Allocating Water and Maintaining Springs in the GAB". SANT_Extent_Saturated_Aquifer_LDA_june2012.shp

By comparing the bottom of JK aquifer horizon (RL mAHD) to that of the uncorrected potentiometric surface of groundwater for the same aquifer (RL mAHD) and where the two were equal, this was interpreted to be the boundary between saturated and unsaturated groundwater conditions within the JK Aquifer. Where the potentiometric surface was found to be more elevated than the base of the JK aquifer, this was included in areas considered to be saturated, whereas areas where the potentiometric surface was found to be lower than the base of the JK aquifer were interpreted to be areas of unsaturated (dry) aquifer. The specific datafiles used to develop this layer include:



Dataset Citation

SA Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (2015) Great Artesian Basin (JK aquifer) Extent of Saturation - PED. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 12 October 2016,

General Information
