Dataset: Version 02 Asset list for Clarence Morton 8/8/2014 - ERIN ORIGINAL DATA



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme. This dataset was derived from multiple datasets. You can find a link to the parent datasets in the Lineage Field in this metadata statement. The History Field in this metadata statement describes how this dataset was derived.

This dataset contains the water-dependent asset list for the Clarence Morton bioregion. The Asset list is stored in an MS Access database and there is also an element list ESRI polygon shapefile.

The Bioregional Assessments methodology (Barrett et al., 2013) defines a water-dependent asset as a spatially distinct, geo-referenced entity contained within a bioregion with characteristics having a defined cultural indigenous, economic or environmental value, and that can be linked directly or indirectly to a dependency on water quantity and/or quality.


For creation of asset list for bioregional assessment.

Dataset History

Under the BA program, a first Pass Element List is developed for each defined bioregional assessment area. Water dependent assets identified by Catchment Management Authorities are supplemented with additional elements from datasets held by the Australian and state/territory governments.

The element list is a geospatial database that contains spatial data (GIS) files that provide the location for each individual element. The spatial data contains limited attribution but can be joined to the related source data table in the AssetList (joins based on ElementID). This ancillary data is the complete set of data supplied for the element by the source. For more information about field names, values and codes check documents on the _AnR_CurrentData\AnR_Documentation directory.

The elements in the database have been sourced through various means. Initially, data was provided by Catchment Management Authorities (CMA) having been funded by the Office of Water Science to identify elements within their catchment areas to use as an input to the Bioregional Assessment Programme. Further specific information about this process can be provided upon request.

Additional elements were identified by the Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN, Australian Government Department of the Environment) based on various datasets held by the Australian Government and relevent state/territory governments and other custodians.

After compiling the element list, each element was classified by ERIN into a Group, Subgroup and Class using the classification scheme outlined in the Element and Receptor Methodology (Barrett et al., 2013). This is a preliminary classification and should be checked and updated by the BA project teams.

The dataset is comprised of elements that geographically intersect the Gloucester preliminary assessment extent (PAE). Spatial data have not been clipped to the assessment extent. In all cases, the full extent of features that extend beyond the boundaries of the assessment extent have been included. Spatial data have been incorporated into the database as provided. hence a single element may be represented by a single, discrete spatial unit (polygon, line or point), or a number of discrete spatial locations (e.g. as multipart polygons). ERIN has not combined like elements, nor exploded multipart elements.

It should be noted that a 'formal' water dependence test has not been undertaken on this data. It is assumed that the NRM regional offices have provided elements only if they are 'water dependent', and that features within the datasets provided by ERIN are also 'water dependent', or potentially water dependent.

The history of this dataset:

2/07/2014 Initial database.

15/08/2014 Initial database with new WSP assets


Compiled for the Office of Water Science (OWS) Bioregional Assessment Programme.

Refer to associated documentation: AnR data description 20130925.doc

Source datasets:

-Compiled for OWS Bioregional Assessments.

Refer to associated AnR data description documentation.

Source datasets:

Source code: WAIT: Northern Rivers, South East Queensland

Description: Assets identified by the CMAs/NRMs.

Custodian: Northern Rivers; South East Queensland; OWS/ERIN

Source code: DIWA

Description: Important wetlands from the Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia.

Custodian: Department of the Environment

Source code:Ramsar

Description: Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Wetlands)

Custodian: Department of the Environment


Source code: CAPAD

Description: Compiled information on protected areas from state and territory Governments and other protected area managers, published in the Collaborative Australian Protected Area Database (CAPAD). Identifies a number of protected areas and their components within the PAE.

Custodian: Department of the Environment


Source code: GDEsub

Description: identifies components of ecosystems that may rely on the subsurface presence of groundwater (includes vegetation ecosystems) within the drainage basins occurring within the PAE.

Custodian: BoM

Notes: Likely to contain spatial overlaps with other assets

Source code: GDEsur

Description: identifies components of ecosystems that may rely on the surface expression of groundwater witihn the PAE.

Custodian: BoM

Notes: Likely to contain spatial overlaps with other assets

Source code: IBA

Description: Important Bird Areas (IBAs) are sites of global bird conservation importance. Each IBA meets one of four global criteria used by BirdLife International. Identifies 13 important bird areas occurring on floodplains and lakes within the PAE.

Custodian: Birds Australia

Threatened Ecological Communities

Source code: TEC

Description: Modelled "known" and "likely" distributions of threatened ecological communities listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999. TECs within the CLM PAE

Custodian: Department of the Environment


Threatened Species

Source code: Species

Description: Modelled "known" and "likely" distributions of species of national environmental significance as listed under the EPBC Act.

Custodian: Department of the Environment

Notes: species habitat distributions provided include only those areas that intersect the PAE, and do not represent the total known/likely distributions of each species. RESTRICTED FOR USE WITHIN DEPARMENT ONLY

Natural, Historic and Indigenous Heritage Places

A number of different lists andregisters exist of natural, historic and Indigenous heritage places throughout Australia. These are not comprehensive lists of heritage places, but lists of the places that have been identified and recorded up to the present time.

The following registers include places which may be considered as assets under the Bioregional Assessments Program:

Source code: CHL

Description:Commonwealth Heritage List. Natural, historic and Indigenous places of heritage significance owned or controlled by the Australian Government

Source code: NatHeritage

Description: National Heritage List. Natural, historic and Indigenous places that are of outstanding national heritage value to the Australian nation.

Source code: RNE

Description: Register of the National Estate

Archive of information about more than 13,000 places throughout Australia.

Custodian: Department of Environment

Source code: WHA

Description: World Heritage Areas

The World Heritage Convention aims to promote cooperation among nations to protect heritage from around the world that is of such outstanding universal value that its conservation is important for current and future generations.

Custodian: Department of Environment

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2014) Version 02 Asset list for Clarence Morton 8/8/2014 - ERIN ORIGINAL DATA. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 10 July 2017,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
