This layer shows locations of fauna records recorded in Gold Coast public open space stored in the City of Gold Coast Flora & Fauna Database as of June 2023. Additional information may be sourced by visiting All species currently listed under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, and records on non-Council managed land have been removed. This interpreted data has been verified against field inspection and cross referenced against existing studies. Layer completeness is 61-80%. No fees are applicable. Contact:
This layer shows locations of fauna records recorded in the Gold Coast conservation reserve network stored in the City of Gold Coast Flora & Fauna Database as of June 2023. Additional information may be sourced by visiting All species currently listed under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, and records on non-Council managed land have been removed. This interpreted data has been verified against field inspection and cross referenced against existing studies. Layer completeness is 61-80%. No fees are applicable.