Dataset: 2016 APS employee census


The 2016 Australian Public Service (APS) employee census was administered to all available APS employees. This census approach provides a comprehensive view of the APS and ensures no eligible respondents are omitted from the survey sample, removing sampling bias and reducing sample error. The census' content is designed to establish the views of APS employees on workplace issues such as leadership, learning and development and job satisfaction. The census ran from 9 May to 10 June 2016. Overall, 96,672 APS employees responded to the employee census, a response rate of 69%.

Please be aware that the very large number of respondents to the employee census means these files are over 200 mb in size. Downloading and opening these files may take some time.


Three files are available for download.

To protect the privacy and confidentiality of respondents to the 2016 APS employee census, the datasets provided on include responses to a limited number of demographic or other attribute questions.

Full citation of this dataset should list the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) as the author.

A recommended short citation is: 2016 APS employee census data, Australian Public Service Commission.

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