Dataset: Wet Tropics Bioregion - Mountain locations (WTMA)


This dataset contains point features depicting mountains, peaks, mountain ranges and hills and their names. Ranges are located with a point or series of points in the approximate vicinity of the feature.

Mountain data originated from 1:250,000 scale AUSLIG supplied topographic data (repromats). Corrections were made to locate the points accurately to the 1:100,000 scale National Topographic Map Series. Georeferenced Topographic Maps are dated 1966.

This dataset consists of a 90 KB point shapefile containing 344 features.

95% of points within the Mountains coverage were located to the 1:100,000 scale Topographic maps Series. Some smaller hills, mountains and ranges shown on the 1:100,000 scale Topographic map Series, not in the original source data, have not been included in this dataset. 90% of the points are within +/- 50 metres of true position.

Data reproduced with permission of Wet Tropics Management Authority

This metadata was prepared for the e-Atlas and is not authoritative. Please contact the Wet Tropics Management Authority for an authoritative record.

General Information
