Dataset: Mitchell Landscapes NSW OEH v3 2011



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied:

This dataset (version 3) supersedes the previous version of the NSW Landscapes (Version 2) ANZNSO208000229. Version 3 includes a revision of the polygon boundaries conducted in 2008. Revision corrected many alignment errors using SPOT 5 imagery as a reference layer. The revisions for Version 3 have resulted in significant alterations to Landscape boundaries in some regions. See associated technical report 'ELA 2008 Editing Mitchell Landscapes'. Version 2 maps were constructed from existing data and have a strong geologic, geomorphic and pedologic base. They do not include field validation/original mapping. Scale and reliability was constrained to 1:250,000 scale by the availability of suitable state-wide maps, although some source data (air photos/maps) were more detailed. A transect of map sheets was compared with other data during the mapping, it is believed reasonable product consistency has been attained. Details on the methodology, limitations and constraints in the

devlopment of the original dataset are contained in P.B.Mitchell (2002) NSW Ecosystems Study: Background and Methodology (Unpublished).

Dataset History

This data and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied:

First published as Version 2. Bounds revised November 2008 (Version 3). Version 3 supersedes Version 2. Original data was an interpretation of various existing datasets, including NSW Soil Conservation Service Landsystem Mapping, 1:250 000 Geological Mapping, Topography and Elevation. Boundaries then transferred to 1:250 000 transparency maps and digitised using ArcINFO. Version 3 represents correction of many displacement errors against SPOT5.Positional accuracy:10km to 100km.Attribute accuracy:High degree of accuracy at the 1:250 000 scale. No ground truthing completed for current mapping.Logical consistency:ArcINFO was used to ensure all polygons were closed and all digitising errors were corrected. All polygons are labelled once and there are no duplications. After capture, the coverage was checked against original mapping and errors corrected.Attributes: Name Description Shape Polygon ECOS_MESO Geographical grouping of a series of landscapes (Mitchell 2002). For the description of each landscape type see 'Additional Metadata". LS_CODE Unique three character code for each of the 570 Landscapes (excluding water). Lscape_Nam Unique name for each of the 570 landscapes (excluding water). CONFIDENCE A single letter code referring to the mapping reliability of landscape boundaries. For definitions of the codes see section 'Additional Metadata'. BOUNDTYPE A four letter code referring to the spatial pattern of landscapes. For definitions of the codes see section Shape_Area The area in hectares Shape_Leng Length of polygon perimeter in metres.

Dataset Citation

"NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water" (2010) Mitchell Landscapes NSW OEH v3 2011. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 10 July 2017,

General Information
