This data and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are represented here as originally supplied:
Abstract: Boundary data on more than 1500 coastal wetlands of State significance and covered by State Environmental Planning Policy No. 14 (SEPP 14) as defined in The Coastal Wetlands Survey Report, prepared by Dr P Adam, Mr N Urwin, Mr P Weiner and Mr I Sim for the Coastal Council of New South Wales, 1985. SEPP 14 places planning and development controls under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 over the wetlands, which are illustrated on 82 hard copy printed maps that have been gazetted. These hard copy maps are the definitive source of the wetland boundaries although digital representation is also available. Coverage extends along the NSW coastline (and up to 30 kms inland) from the Queensland border to the Hawkesbury River and from Wollongong to the Victorian Border. Note: SEPP 14 excludes the Sydney metropolitan region, that is, the Hawkesbury River to Wollongong.
The aim of this policy is to ensure that the coastal wetlands are preserved and protected in the environmental and economic interests of the State.
This data and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are represented here as originally supplied:
Scope: Dataset Lineage: For the original wetlands survey, the NSW coastline, coastal plain areas and major estuarine river system were covered by an aerial photographic survey, carried out in 1981. The survey followed specifications set up by the then Department of Urban Affairs and Planning and are described in the Coastal Wetlands Survey Report of 1985. Seven wetland types were included: mangroves, saltmarshes, melaleuca forests, casuarina forests, sedgelands, brackish and freshwater swamps and wet meadows. The wetland boundaries were identified from the aerial photos on a botanical basis, using their vegetation features. They were delineated using stereoscopic interpretation (at up to 7 times magnification) of 1:25000 aerial photos. As the photographic scale closely approximated the 1:25000 scale of the LIC topographic map series, the transfer from photograph to map was carried out at close to one time magnification with minimum distortion. For a number of key areas, the photographic interpretations were checked and verified by inspections on the ground. The coastal wetland maps compilation was finished in 1984. A major aerial photo re-survey of the coastal area was carried out by LIC in 1986, and subsequently the wetland boundaries were then updated. They have subsequently been amended from time to time as required through a gazetted amendment to SEPP 14. The compiled maps were hand digitised using Genamap GIS software. The digitising accuracy is estimated to be 0.5 mtr on the 1:25000 maps. The wetlands polygons are labelled with numbers allocated in a sequential order from north to south between the Queensland border and the Hawkesbury River, and south to north from the Victorian border to Wollongong
NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure (2006) State Environmental Planning Policy no. 14 - Coastal Wetlands 19891027. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 18 June 2018,