Dataset: IMOS - ABOS Southern Ocean Time Series (SOTS) Sub-Facility, Pulse 10 Mooring (May 2013 - Oct 2013)


The Pulse 10 mooring was deployed from 7 May 2013 to 13 October 2013 at Lat -46.94, Lon 142.28. Data are now available in netCDF format.

Moored instruments are deployed by the IMOS Australian Bluewater Observing System (ABOS) Southern Ocean Time Series sub-facility for time-series observations of physical, biological, and chemical properties, in the Sub-Antarctic Zone southwest of Tasmania, with twice-yearly servicing.

These time-series observations are crucial to resolving ecosystem processes that affect carbon cycling, ocean productivity and marine responses to climate variability and change, ocean acidification and other stresses.

General Information
