Dataset: 2016 SoE Built environment Proportion of people living with access to greenspace and greenspace per capita
- Percent of population with access (within 400m) to greenspace - PSMA Australia Urban Parks (2009) and National Parks (2011) datasets were merged and duplicate polygons dissolved to form greenspace dataset for analysis. This greenspace dataset was buffered by 400m to represent a straight line walking distance. In the process of creating the 2011 Australian Population Grid (Australian Bureau of Statistics cat. no. 1270.0.55.007), a point dataset was created to represent residential dwellings using a combination of Feb 2012 PSMA Geocoded National Address File (GNAF) , 2013 Australian Government Indigenous Locations (AGIL), 2011 PSMA Locality centroids, 2012 Gazeteer. For the purposes of the Greenspace topic for SoE, this point layer was overlaid with 2011 Mesh Blocks (MB) and 2011 MB Census population counts were apportioned across these residential population points (MB Census population count divided by the number of residential dwelling points within the MB), thereby giving each point a population count. These residential points with population counts were then overlaid with the greenspace dataset and 2011 Urban Centres and Localities (UCL). Summary statistics were run to calculate the population within 400m of greenspace in 2011 Urban Centres and Localities, then divided by the 2011 Census Usual Resident population for UCL to calculate the percentage of population within 400m of greenspace. 2. Greenspace per capita (m2) - PSMA 2015 Greenspace layer was refined to relevant greenspace types (ie. to exclude caravan parks, racecourses, airports etc.). PSMA Australia Urban Parks (2009), National Parks (2011) and Greenspace (2015) were merged to form greenspace dataset, duplicate polygons were dissolved and Albers Area m2 calculated. The greenspace dataset was merged with 2011 Urban Centres and Localities (UCLs) to create a subset of greenspace polygons within UCLs. The area of greenspace was summed within capital city UCLs, grouping by UCL name. The population within capital city UCLs from 2011 Census Usual resident population was then calculated , along with the area of greenspace per capita within the capital cities.
Data used to produce Figures BLT22 and 23 in Built environment, SoE 2016. See;
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