Dataset: Intellectual Property Longitudinal Research Data (IPLORD)


IPLoRD – Intellectual Property Longitudinal Research Dataset – is a publicly available dataset that provides researchers with an applicant activity-centric view of Australian IP right filings. IPLoRD leverages IPGOD data to provide a history of an applicant’s filings over time broken down by financial year. Where available,
the ABN of the applicant is provided to allow linkage with other government research datasets.IPLoRD makes it possible for economists and other researchers to examine relationships between the filer’s economic circumstances and their intellectual property portfolio. IPLoRD is a biennial release. This year’s version of IPLoRD provides coverage of filing activities from 1904 to the end of 2020.

To increase accessibility, IP Australia has provided IPLORD as a full-size single file, and as smaller files partitioned as the below time periods:

General Information
