Dataset: Potential hydraulic interconnection at the base of the Great Artesian Basin (GABWRA)



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

Polygons representing a qualitative estimate of the potential for hydraulic interconnection between the base of the Great Artesian Basin and top of underlying basement units. This dataset is derived from the 'Hydrogeological basement units in contact with the base of the Great Artesian Basin' dataset (Geoscience Australia, catalogue #75910, 2013) and 'Base Great Artesian Basin hydrogeological units in contact with basement' dataset (Geoscience Australia, catalogue #75911, 2013). It is used to identify potential hydraulic interconnection between the Great Artesian Basin and basement units.

Data is available as polygons in Shapefile format This GIS data set was produced for the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment and used in Figure 3.6 of Smerdon BD, Ransley TR, Radke BM and Kellett JR (2012) Water resource assessment for the Great Artesian Basin. A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment. CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Australia. This dataset and associated metadata can be obtained from, using catalogue number 75839.

Dataset History


  1. Hydrogeological basement units in contact with the base of the Great Artesian Basin (Geoscience Australia dataset, Catalogue #75910, 2013)

  2. Base Great Artesian Basin hydrogeological units in contact with basement (Geoscience Australia dataset, Catalogue #75911, 2013)


A new dataset was created by using 'Hydrogeological basement units in contact with the base of the Great Artesian Basin' dataset and 'Base Great Artesian Basin hydrogeological units in contact with basement'. Using a matrix method, the potential for hydraulic connection was classified from high to negligible depending on the spatial relationship between the two datasets described above. See the accompanying data dictionary for the table of potential for hydraulic interconnection matrix.

1: Potential for hydraulic interconnection matrix (matrix can be viewed in original metadata format which can be obtained from, using catalogue number 75839.)

GAB units in contact with Basement

Aquifer	    Partial Aquifer    Leaky aquitard    Tight Aquitard    Aquiclude

Basement units in contact with the base of the GAB Aquifer High Medium Low Very low Negligible

Partial Aquifer	Medium	Medium	Low	Very low	Negligible

Leaky aquitard	Low	Low	Low	Very low	Negligible

Tight Aquitard	Very low	Very low	Very low	Very low	Negligible

Aquiclude	Negligible	Negligible	Negligible	Negligible	Negligible

Further information can be found at

Dataset Citation

Geoscience Australia (2013) Potential hydraulic interconnection at the base of the Great Artesian Basin (GABWRA). Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 27 November 2017,

General Information
