Dataset: Public Sector Commission WA Equal Employment Opportunity Survey 2015


Public authorities are obligated to monitor and promote equity and diversity outcomes to ensure an inclusive workplace culture and equal employment opportunity (EEO).  Activities associated with the achievement of these outcomes are reported in the annual report of the Director of Equal Opportunity in Public Employment (DEOPE).

The DEOPE, appointed by the Governor to fulfil a statutory role that is separate to that of the Public Sector Commissioner, is also an employee of the Public Sector Commissioner. Together, the DEOPE and the Commissioner promote an integrated approach to EEO that recognises the importance of equity and diversity in optimising service design and delivery to the broader community.

To assist the DEOPE to monitor the diversity of the workforce, each public authority is required to obtain relevant workforce demographic information from their employees. Local governments, universities, and other entities listed in Schedule 1 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 (apart from the Western Australian Police Force and Electorate Offices) provide this demographic information through the EEO survey. The Western Australian Police Force and Electorate Offices report workforce data through the human resource minimum obligatory information requirement (HRMOIR) process.

In 2015, 138 local governments, four public universities, and 17 other Schedule 1 PSM Act authorities completed the EEO survey. Data was collected as at March 31 2015.

This data set contains a summary of demographics as reported through the EEO survey for each public authority.

Further information and aggregate data for each authority type is available in the Director of Equal Opportunity in Public Employment annual report 2015.

General Information
