In Western Australia, the Public Sector Commission's purpose is to bring leadership and expertise to the public sector to enhance integrity, effectiveness and efficiency. The Commission’s vision is of a high performing public sector serving the needs of the State now and into the future.
In accordance with section 22D of the Public Sector Management Act 1994, the Public Sector Commissioner reports annually to Parliament on the state of public sector administration and management, and on the extent of compliance with public sector standards and ethical codes. One of the primary information sources used for the State of the sector report is the annual agency survey (AAS).
The 2013 AAS collected information on the application of Commissioner’s Instruction No. 7 – Code of Ethics, agency codes of conduct and general principles of human resource management and public interest disclosure at June 2013 or for the 2012/13 financial year. The survey was sent to chief executive officers (CEOs) and chief employees of all public sector entities, including Senior Executive Service (SES) organisations, non-SES organisations and departments of state.
In 2013, all 110 public sector entities completed the survey.
Three files are available for download on
1) AAS 2013.pdf – the survey instrument sent to relevant entities to access online
2) Public Sector Commission AAS 2013 data.xls – individual agency responses to the AAS, with a question key and response key. Please note some variables have been removed to simplify the dataset.
3) Public Sector Commission AAS 2013 data.sav – individual agency responses to the AAS, in .sav format to be used with SPSS. Please note some variables have been removed to simplify the dataset.
Further information and a summary of AAS data is available in the State of the sector statistical bulletin.