Dataset: Australia - European Carp (Cyprinus carpio) distribution - (100m Grid)


In conjunction with the National Carp Control Plan the Department has developed the Carp capture tool. This tool is being used during the consultation phase of the potential release of the Carp herpes virus, to capture the known location of Carp and information about these sites to help policy makers understand the potential impacts of the invasive species. Key stakeholders involved in data collection for Carp include Natural Resource Management groups, local government areas and other targeted stakeholders.
Observation point records for Cyprinus carpio were retrieved from the Department's Species Profile and Threats database and the Atlas of Living Australia (June 2018). Geographic range descriptions and habitat information were also sourced from available scientific literature and recent academic research. Jurisdictional information (including location descriptions and geospatial data) was specifically sought from the States and Territories as well as the Murray Darling Basin Authority to confirm the known presence of the species in Australia’s waterways.
The habitat layers used to create this distribution comprise the relevant features of the: a) DEM derived AHGF Network Stream data (Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric v2.1.1); b) the waterbody features captured in the Geodata Topo250k v4.0 product suite (Geoscience Australia); and, c) the 1-in-100 year flood boundary for the Murray-Darling Basin. These features were all buffered by 250m to create an area (polygon) extent and compensate for any spatial inaccuracies in the source data.
The ‘known to occur’distribution comprises the main stream segments located between the furthest upstream and downstream observed or described locations (including a 5 km buffer either side of these outer locations). Any perennial waterbody features in contact with known stream segments or described as containing the species were also captured in the ‘known to occur’presence category.
The likely distribution comprises the stream segments (up to 5km) throughout the network that are in contact with the known extent. Any perennial waterbodies occurring within 1 km of known extents were also captured in the ‘likely to occur’presence category.
The may distribution comprises all of the remaining major stream segments and waterbodies found within the drainage basins known to contain the species. The 1-in-100 MDB flood extent was also captured in the ‘may occur’ presence category.
The dataset is a gridded polygon dataset at a 100m resolution. This is the final version of the dataset with edits made based on additional information from the Carp capture tool and consultations with key stakeholders.CC - Attribution (CC BY)
This data has been licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. More information can be found at
The generalised maps and data are indicative products only and are not intended for use at a local or regional level.
© Commonwealth of Australia (Department of the Environment and Energy) 2018

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