Dataset: Woomera Prohibited Area - ARC



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

This dataset contains the outer boundary of the Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA), its internal access management zones and the boundary of the Woomera Village Standing Permission Area. The WPA outer boundary is as defined in the Commonwealth Government Gazette number GN 26 dated 12 July 1989 and further depicted on plan number GP 249/1989 deposited in the SA General Registry Office. The internal zones were originally depicted in the Review of the Woomera Prohibited Area - Final Report dated 4 February 2011 prepared by Dr Allan Hawke AC. The final delineation of detailed zone boundaries has been created following intensive consultation with the Department of Defence, and defines areas with differing access restrictions. An associated map, Department of State Development (DSD) plan number 204192-001, has also been prepared that describes in detail the characteristics of each boundary segment and depicts the Woomera Village Standing Permission Area. Plan GP 249/1989 can be accessed from the SA Government's Integrated Land Information System (SAILIS) at: Plan 204192-001, as amended from time to time, can be accessed from DSD's online plans database at: In September 2014, two significant updates were made to this dataset: - a Standing Permission Area was created to alleviate restrictions that inadvertently applied to the Woomera township and the Olympic Dam Highway; - Section 400 Out of Hundreds (the former Maralinga village and nuclear test site) was excised.


Military use, mineral exploration and production, land access.

Dataset History

The boundaries have been constructed from a variety of source data inputs and numerous geometric techniques have been used. The best available digital GIS datasets have been used to construct each individual boundary segment. Data sources include the parcel layer of SA's Digital Cadastral Database (DPTI), railway lines from Geoscience Australia's 250k mapping, heads-up digitisation from aerial imagery, tracks from 1:50K topographic mapping (DEWNR), pastoral lease fencelines (DEWNR), power transmission lines (ElectraNet) and mineral tenement boundaries (DSD). Rigorous GIS techniques were used throughout. These were augmented by the use of interpolation (densification) with the gnomonic map projection to accurately depict geodesics and Vincenty's formulae direct method for bearing and distance calculations.

Dataset Citation

SA Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (2015) Woomera Prohibited Area - ARC. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 26 May 2016,

General Information
