Dataset: Securitisation Vehicles


The data are detailed series underlying the Financial Accounts, ABS Cat NoAA
5232.0. They cover special purpose vehicles registered or incorporated in
Australia to securitise selected assets, and whose issues are independently
rated by a recognised rating agency. See :Changes to Tables-C/ in
the DecemberA 1996 issue of the Bulletin for a further discussion of
securitisation vehicles. Some data prior to JuneA 1993 are partly estimated.

:Mortgages-C/ include both residential and non-residential

:Other loans and placements-C/ include operating lease and lease
finance receivables, secured loans to originators and loans secured by other
types of assets.

Holdings of :Asset-backed bonds-C/ refers to individual
securitisation vehicles-C/ holdings of asset-backed bonds issued by other
securitisation vehicles.

:All other assets-C/ include cash and deposits with Australian banks
and corporations registered under the Financial Sector (Collection of Data)
Act 2001 and all other claims not already included.

:Other liabilities-C/ include loans and advances from Australian
banks, corporations registered under the Financial Sector (Collection of Data)
Act 2001 and other financial institutions, along with all other liabilities
not already included.

General Information
