Dataset: 2016 SoE Biodiversity WWF-Australia's estimates of how well area-based targets for protection of terrestial ecosystems have been met


Analysed data on how well area-based targets for the protection of terrestrial ecosystems have been me. Dataset sourced from Taylor, MFJ (2016) Building Nature’s Safety Net 2016: State of Australian terrestrial protected areas 2010 to 2016. WWF-Australia, Sydney. Unpublished.

Data inputs to this analysis include data from CAPAD, SNES, IBRA, and NVIS sourced from the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy. For further information on these databases see:

This data has been used by the Department of Environment and Energy to produce Figure BIO36 in the Biodiversity theme of Australia State of the Environment 2016, available at

It is recommended you view this data in conjunction with the SoE 2016 Biodiversity report, specifically the section titled 'Management effectiveness > Management status'.

General Information
