Dataset: Macquarie Island walking tracks


GIS data representing walking tracks on Macquarie Island compiled by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre is described by the following metadata records:

1 Survey report 1992/93, Macquarie Island, Australian Antarctic Division Author - Noel Ward Entry ID: survey_1992-93_macquarie

2 Surveys on Macquarie Island for the Australian Antarctic Division, September to November 1997 Entry ID: macca_survey97_gis

3 Macquarie Island mapping from Quickbird satellite imagery.

Entry ID: macquarie_quickbird_mapping

This metadata record describes additional data related to walking tracks on Macquarie Island compiled by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre. It includes:

1 Oziexplorer waypoint and track files compiled by Marty Benavente (Australian Antarctic Division Field Training Officer) based on his field work in 2011 using a handheld GPS. This data is for AAD internal use only.

2 Track data compiled by the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service. The original data is for AAD internal use only.

3 Track data digitised at the Australian Antarctic Division based on field experience and using an orthorectified DigitalGlobe satellite image captured 15 March 2005 as a guide

The walking track data selected by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre for use in 1:50000 maps of Macquarie Island is largely from the 1997 survey but includes track segments from other datasets listed above. This data is available for download from a Related URL below.

General Information
