Dataset: GLO Landscape Classes split by 500m Assessment Units v01



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

This dataset is derived from the GLO Landscape Classification v01, specifically the GLO_LandscapeClassficaition_Areas_Mar2016 and GLO_LandscapeClassifcation_lines data sets, which have been 'split' (unioned to generate tiles) by the 500m Assessment Units vector 'box' polygons. The purpose is to retain the spatial resolution of the landscape class data yet provide a unique identifier at the groundwater model spatial resolution (i.e. 500m) via the Assessment Unit ID. This data structure will enable highly flexible queries to be run that will support the Assessment team to produce results relevant to a wide range of analysis questions, particularly those that relate landscape classes with groundwater model results. Coordinate System is Australian Albers GDA94 EPSG: 3577

Dataset History

This dataset is derived from the GLO Landscape Classification v01, specifically the GLO_LandscapeClassficaition_Areas_Mar2016 and GLO_LandscapeClassifcation_lines data sets, which have been 'split' (unioned to generate tiles) by the 500m Assessment Units vector 'box' polygons. The purpose is to retain the spatial resolution of the landscape class data yet provide a unique identifier at the groundwater model spatial resolution (i.e. 500m) via the Assessment Unit ID. This data structure will enable highly flexible queries to be run that will support the Assessment team to produce results relevant to a wide range of analysis questions, particularly those that relate landscape classes with groundwater model results. Coordinate System is Australian Albers GDA94 EPSG: 3577

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2016) GLO Landscape Classes split by 500m Assessment Units v01. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 July 2018,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
