Distribution: AGOR 2015-02-16 with 2014-15 PAES data

Dataset: Australian Government Organisations Register


The Register has been updated for the Administrative Arrangement Order (AAO) changes of 23 December 2014. Three bodies transferred from the Education and Training portfolio to the Social Services portfolio, six bodies transferred from the Industry and Science portfolio to the Education and Training portfolio.

Overall, the Register has had a net decrease of five bodies, with the total number of bodies on the Register now 1,187 bodies. One body was added to the Environment portfolio, and six bodies were removed from the Infrastructure and Regional Development (four removals), Health, and Education and Training (one removal each) portfolios.

The AGOR snapshot is published with 2014-15 Portfolio Additional Estimates data.

Average staffing level figures for the Department of Education and Training, the Department of Industry and Science and the Department of Social Services have been updated to reflect the latest post-AAO estimates as published in the 2014-15 Portfolio Additional Estimates.

From the AGOR 30-Sep-2017 update and onwards the numbers for "Total Appropriations" and "Total Departmental Expenditure" will be reported in $000. With the files relating to prior AGOR updates they were reported in $m.

General Information