Dataset: Bioregional Assessment areas v03



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from IBRA data provided by the Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population, and Communities. The source dataset(s) is identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

Approved boundaries version 3 of the bioregions and subregions for defining the reporting regions for Bioregional assessments of impacts of coal seam gas and coal mining development on water resources.

This release contains two spatial dataset vector layers;

ba_bioregion_alb_gda94_v02p1 is a topologically & geometrically correct spatial layer of the approved bioregions for the Bioregional Assessment Program. This layer's extent outlines the bioregions for the Assessment teams only.

ba_bioregion_and_subregion_alb_gda94_v02p1 is a topologically & geometrically correct spatial layer of the approved bioregions and subregions for the Bioregional Assessment Program. This layer's extent outlines the bioregions and subregions for the Assessment teams only.

The layer is coincident with the three input layers & inherited the coordinate system of the parent layers (Geographic Coordinate System, Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994):

  1. Coal Basins sourced from Geoscience Australia Geological Provinces.

  2. Natural Resource Management (NRM) regions based upon catchments or bioregions which have been identified by the Australian Government, in association with state and territory governments.

  3. The continental scale Coastline from Geoscience Australia (Topo 250K).

It was created using a number of ArcGIS (ESRI) geoprocesses; clip coal basins to onshore extent, intersect coal basins with NRM boundaries; merge regions to single layer.

This method (verified by a check & repair of geometry/topology) avoided the errors introduced in earlier versions.

Further agreed changes to the extents for the Northern Inland Catchments (NIC) bioregion, the Clarence-Moreton (CLM) bioregion, the Northern Sydney Basin (NSB) bioregion, and the Sydney Basin (SSB) bioregion have been included in this updated version.

The boundary layer was then projected to Australian Albers 1994; EPSG 4283, the agreed projection for maps in technical products, as recorded in the 'Product standards for the bioregional assessments v17'.

The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from the "Bioregional Assessment areas v01" and "Bioregional Assessment areas v02" dataset provided by the Department of Environment. The source dataset is identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.


Provides authoritative boundaries for defining bioregions and subregions to be reported on for the Bioregional Asessments

Dataset History

This dataset contains two spatial shapefiles: "ba_bioregion_alb_gda94_v03.shp" and "ba_subregion_alb_gda94_v03.shp".

The bioregion shapefile is a copy of the previous version's (Bioregional Assessment Areas v02) bioregions, except for the Lake Eyre Basin extent. The Lake Eyre Basin extent has been recreated from the original version's (Bioregional Assessment Areas v01) Lake Eyre Basin Bioregion feature class merged with all the Lake Eyre Basin subregions, to ensure complete coverage between bioregion and subregions.

There has been no change made to the subregions shapefile between this version and the previous (version 2)

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2014) Bioregional Assessment areas v03. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 13 March 2019,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
