This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.
Classification and descriptions of native vegetation types of southeast NSW (including the South Coast and parts of the eastern tablelands), and map of extant distribution of these veg types at 1:100 000 interpretation scale. Based on the South Coast - Illawarra Vegetation Integration (SCIVI) Project, which aimed to integrate many previous vegetation classification and mapping works to produce a single regional classification and map plus information on regional conservation status of vegetation types, to inform the South Coast and Illawarra Regional Strategies. Vegetation classification based on a compilation of ~ 8,500 full-floristic field survey sites from previous studies. Classified vegetation types refered to previous studies. Distribution of veg types was mapped by spatial interpolation (modelling) from classified sites, using a hybrid decision-tree/expert system. Final model was cut to 'extant' boundaries using a compiled coverage of aerial photograph interpretation (API) of woody and wetland vegetation boundaries. A total of 189 vegetation types were identified, and types related to Endangered Ecological Communities are highlighted. Tozer et al 2006. Native vegetation of southeast NSW: a revised classification and map for the coast and eastern tablelands. ANZNS0359100156 VIS ID 2230
This data and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are represented here as originally supplied.
Data Quality
Lineage: Refer to project report for details. Vegetation classification and mapping based on ~ 8,500 field survey sites compiled from numerous previous surveys by many workers between the 1980s and 2005. Extant boundaries of native vegetation delineated by compilation of new and existing spatial data derived from aerial photo interpretation, augmented in parts by on-screen interpretation from digital orthorectified imagery of 1998 or later.
Scope: dataset
Completeness: Spatial completeness: final map of extant native vegetation boundaries relies on compilation of API of extant native vegetation. API standards vary across the study area. Smaller patches of woody vegetation and areas of non-woody non-wetland vegetation (eg. primary and secondary/derived grasslands) are not mapped as extant native vegetation. Classification completeness: Classification based on ~8,500 full-floristic field samples compiled from numerous previous surveys. This is the most comprehensive classification of the native vegetation of this region to date, however every classification can be improved by further sampling. Report gives the number of field samples classified as each veg type (=map unit) - this gives a general indication of how comprehensive the description of each unit is, and the likely reliability of modelling for that vegetation type. Verification completeness: No verification has been undertaken across the full study area, as all available site data was used to maximise power of model. Verification / statements of accuracy will be possible in future.
Logical consistency: Distribution of veg types was mapped by spatial interpolation (modelling) from ~ 8,500 classified field survey sites, using a hybrid decision-tree/expert system to explore relationships between veg types and environmental variables including substrate, topography and climate. Final map is based on an explicit set of rules defining the environmental space occupied by each vegetation type. See report for discussion of the modelling process and its limitations.
Positional accuracy: Spatial accuracy of modelled boundaries between vegetation types not tested, as no independent classified site data were available on completion of project. Accuracy of extant vegetation boundaries varies across the study area due to compilation of large number of previous coverages. Generally estimated to be 20-50m.
Attribute accuracy: Refer to project report for details. Accuracy of modelled vegetation types not tested as no independent classified site data were available following modelling. Accuracy of extant native vegetation boundaries varies across the study area according to standards of compiled API coverages: northern part (Sydney south to Araluen/Batemans Bay) delineated remnants andge;1ha, southern end andge;~2ha, small central area (Narooma/Cobargo) has minimum polygon size of 10ha.
NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (2010) Southeast NSW Native Vegetation Classification and Mapping - SCIVI VIS_ID 2230 20030101. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 18 June 2018,