Dataset: South Australia Mineral Production Claims, 6 March 2013



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

Location of all tenements issued under the Mining Act, 1971. The types of tenement are:

Extractive Mineral Lease (EML) - An EML entitles the lessee to carry out mining operations specified in the lease for the recovery of extractive minerals.

Mineral Claim (MC) - An MC provides an exclusive right for 12 months to prospect for minerals within the claim area (conditions apply).

Mineral Lease (ML) - An ML entitles the lessee to carry out mining operations specified in the lease for the recovery of minerals other than extractive minerals.

Miscellaneous Purposes Licence (MPL) - An MPL may be granted for any purpose ancillary to the conduct of mining operations, for example an operating plant, drainage or an access road.

Private Mine (PM) - PM tenements were declared prior to the Mining Act, 1971 and are subject to specific conditions.

Retention Lease (RL) - An RL entitles the lessee to retain the lease area for future mining operations where, for economic or other reasons, the lessee is justified in not proceeding immediately.

The tenement type SML (Special Mining Lease) relates to the Olympic Dam mine, which is administered under the Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) Act, 1982.

Data is available for download from SARIG in formats described in access section below


The dataset was developed to record information necessary for the administration of the Mining Act, 1971.

Use: Used to supply government, industry and the general public with an up-to-date status and extent of mining production tenements throughout the state.

Dataset History

Source Data History: Departmental hardcopy tenement records are the primary data source. These records are derived from information supplied by applicants. Applicant information is often schematic and the scale of the final document is determined by the most appropriate scale maps available at the time. Applicant information and associated records used for this project date back over the last 30 years. The source date is dependent upon the date of application. The dataset contains an accuracy description for each tenement. From time to time, applications are confirmed by field staff using GPS. Processing Steps: A majority of tenements were reconciled using existing digital cadastral boundaries (DCDB) and the remainder digitised from the above-mentioned departmental records. Tenement boundaries were mathematically constructed to match the DCDB and existing tenement boundaries (where applicable), whilst other boundaries were wholly constructed mathematically. These procedures have been automated using a series of maintenance procedures to assist with manual editing and boundary construction processes. Once tenements have been constructed, attributes are assigned against the region (polygon) feature class. Additional information is recorded against the boundaries to identify how the line work was captured. Hard copy plots have been produced at various set scales depicting tenements on cadastral or topographic backgrounds. The geometry of the tenement is value-added through a join to the Mining Register database, where only matching records between the geometry of the tenement and the Mining Register records are portrayed.

Dataset Citation

"SA Department for Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy" (2013) South Australia Mineral Production Claims, 6 March 2013. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 12 December 2018,

General Information
