Dataset: Glenorchy City Council Redundant Town Gas


Best available knowledge of location of abandoned Hobart Town gas mains throughout Glenorchy municipality. Please consult Workplace Standards for safety information.

The custodian for this infrastructure no longer exists. Whilst GCC holds copyright over the dataset, it does not have, and has never had, any liability or responsibility for the actual infrastructure. We release the data in the interests of public safety as we believe we hold the only information regarding this infrastructure.

Digitised off Glenorchy Water and Sewer Engineering Detail plans c1938-1972. The purpose of the plans was to map municipal assets, not non-council gas lines. The depiction of the gas lines was to show nearby infrastructure where it was known as the water and sewer surveys were completed. Hence the information in this dataset cannot be relied upon as a complete record of gas locations.

General Information
