Dataset: Torres Strait Inhabited Islands (TSRA)


This dataset shows the point location of communities on Torres Strait Islands. There are 18 Islands in the Torres Strait and 19 Communities. St Pauls and Kubin villages are both located on Moa Island. Each point includes an URL attribute pointing to the community pages on the TSRA website. The Island Communities are:

Boigu Island, Warraber Island, Ugar Island, Thursday Island, Saibai Island, Poruma Island, Prince of Wales Island, Mer Island, Masig Island, Mabuiag Island, Iama Island, Horn Island, Hammond Island, Erub Island, Dauan Island, Badu Island, St Pauls, Moa Island, Kubin, Moa Island

The dataset is a point shapefile, created in ArcGIS Version 10.0.

Data Dictionary:

Data Location:

This dataset is filed in the eAtlas enduring data repository at: data\TSRA\TS_TSRA_Inhabited-Islands_2014

Change Log:

General Information
