The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
This shapefile shows the extent of the Koukandowie Formation in the CLM bioregion. It is compiled from several sources, including Qld and NSW surface geological maps and well data. In many areas, the exact extent is not well constrained, as this bedrock unit is covered by younger rocks or sediments. Where this is the case, the hard data have been combined with geological expert knowledge. The final shapefile has been created from all sources and expert knowledge in GoCAD.
This shapefile is compiled from several sources: the digital 1:100000 surface geology map sheet (Qld Geological Survey) and 1:250000 surface geological map obtained from the Clarence-Moreton SEEBASE project in NSW (see lineage).
In some areas, the exact extent of the Koukandowie Formation is not well constrained, as this bedrock unit is covered by younger rocks (e.g. volcanic rocks) or allvuium. Where this is the case, the original maps which only show the presence of the Koukandowie Formation at the surface have been combined with geological expert knowledge and manual interpolation (digitizing) using GoCAD™ (Paradigm Geophysical Pty Ltd) 3D geological modelling software to also include the extent of this unit where it is not present at the surface. The final shapefile has been created from all sources and expert knowledge in GoCAD.
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2014) CLM - Koukandowie FM bedrock. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 28 September 2017,
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Allora
Derived From CLM - Geology NSW & Qld combined v02
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Mount Lindsay
Derived From Qld 100k mapsheets - Warwick
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Esk
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Caboolture
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Ipswich
Derived From CLM - Qld Surface Geology Mapsheets
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Toowoomba
Derived From Qld 100k mapsheets - Murwillumbah
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Helidon
Derived From CLM - NSW Surface Geology Mapsheets in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Jandowae
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Inglewood
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Oakey
Derived From Clarence-Moreton SEEBASE & Structural GIS Project data.
Derived From Qld 100k mapsheets - Kingaroy
Derived From Qld 100k mapsheets - Beenleigh