Dataset: NSW Current Petroleum Titles 20140815



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

Spatial dataset recording the shapes of current petroleum exploration and production licences granted under New South Wales mining legislation.

This dataset has been provided to the BA Programme for use within the programme only. Third parties should contact the NSW Department of Industry.

Dataset History

Data Quality


Petroleum Exploration licences generally follow graticular boundaries and are applied for and granted as a series of 5' by 5' blocks.

Attribute Definitions

Name Description

Title Code Type of title granted. Petroleum titles may include: PAL - Petroleum Assessment Lease, a title to allow retention of petroleum rights over an area in which a significant deposit has been identified, but development is not viable in the short term; PEL - Petroleum Exploration Licence, a title to explore for petroleum; PEP - Petroleum Exploration Permit, a title to explore for petroleum under the previous (1967) Mining Act; PPL - Petroleum Production Lease, a title granted for the production of petroleum; PSPAUTH - Petroleum Special Prospecting Authority, a title to carry out speculative scientific investigations for petroleum.

Title No Textural code for the type of licence and the number of the licence.

Act Year The Mining Act under which the title was granted. The mining act contains the conditions that are in force on the licence.

Grant Date The date the title was first granted.

Last Renewed The date the title was last renewed.

Expiry Date The date on which the title's current term ends.

Company The current holder of the licence.

Minerals The mineral groups which the title targets. Groups are as follows: Group 1 - metallic minerals; Group 2 - non-metallic minerals; Group 3 - semi-precious stones; Group 4 - marine aggregate; Group 5 - clay minerals; Group 6 - diamond, corundum, ruby and sapphire; Group 7 - opal; Group 8 - geothermal substances; Group 9 - coal and oil shale; Group 10 - mineral sands.

Dataset Citation

NSW Trade and Investment (2014) NSW Current Petroleum Titles 20140815. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 10 December 2018,

General Information
