Distribution: BIO34 Expenditure by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy on climate change research programs, 2012–13 to 2015–16, plus forward estimates

Dataset: 2016 SoE Biodiversity Expenditure by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy on climate change research programmes between 2012-13 and 2015-16, plus forward estimates


Source: Australian Government Department of the Environment & Energy

(1) The data presented on funding for climate science and adaptation research programmes was provided to support climate research such as data collection and measurements and climate modelling, and did not primarily support biodiversity activities.
(2) The data presented does not represent the complete suite of funding for climate science and adaptation research in Australia or within the Australian Government. For example, the figures do not include contributions by other programme partners (e.g. CSIRO, BoM) and they do not include investment in climate research through other government department’s (e.g. Department of Industry or AG’s investment in climate change focussed CRC’s and Centre of Excellence). Also note, that the funding figures from 2012/13 to 2015/16 are actual expenditure figures, and those from 2016/17 onwards are budgeted figures.

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