Dataset: Mapping field program survey report summer 2002/2003


Taken from sections of the Report:

The 2002-03 Mapping and Geographic Information Program (MAGIP) field season was undertaken from Davis Station. Nigel Peters from Sinclair Knight Merz undertook this season's fieldwork, the results of which are described in the following report.

The main objective for this season was to provide photo control mapping in the Rauer Group, with photo control also required at Davis Station and Marine Plains. A number of other tasks were undertaken in support of various scientific and engineering programs.

The tasks outlined in the surveyors brief are varied and numerous and have been included to provide the surveyor with a full and appropriate work program. The tasks are prioritised, usually with one or two major tasks with a number of minor tasks listed to be undertaken if the opportunity arises. This season's Survey Brief has been included in Appendix A with a summary of achievements listed in Appendix B.

The following report covers the fieldwork undertaken by myself during the 2002/2003 ANARE Summer Field Season. Data collected in support of other scientific programs has been included in this report primarily as a record of work undertaken by the mapping program. These data have been supplied to the various scientists for inclusion in their studies.

Sequence of Events

4th November - 12th November 2002 - Pre-Departure Training

20th November -5th December 2002 - Voyage 2

6th December - 10th December 2002 - Davis Station

11th December - 31st December 2002 - Davis Station

1st January - 20th January 2003 - Davis Station

21st January - 26th January 2003 - Law Base

27th January - 9th February 2003 - Davis Station

10th February - 22nd February 2003 - Voyage 5

Scope of Work

The Antarctic Mapping Officer Mr Henk Brolsma provided the scope of works within the Surveyors Brief for the 2002- 2003 field survey program (Appendix A). The following is a summation of the survey requirements for this season.

Rauer Group



Vestfold Hills

General Information
