The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
This dataset represents active groundwater entitlements (volumes extracted) in the Sydney subregions of Wollongong and Lithgow.
Please note that Licence entitlement extraction volumes have been distributed to bore locations registered under that licence, (licence volume divided by number of bores owned by Licence) and this is an indicative representation of where the water is being extracted from in the landscape.
Spatial representation of Groundwater Economic Elements in the Sydney PAE
Please note it was found that some Surface Water records were found within the Groundwater licence volumes supplied.
These records and their volumes were excluded from the Sydney asset database but remain in this data for transparency and repeatability.
These would need to be excluded when calculating Groundwater volumes for the Sydney region.
All records Licenced to Sydney Catchment Authority were removed (393 records)
All records Licenced to WAL: 10CA117220 Energy Australia were removed (6 records).
Altogether these records had a total volume of 1,012,099.9 ML/yr that is understood not to belong to groundwater extractions.
Pseudo code = Licence = '10CA117220' OR Licence_Holder = 'Sydney Catchment Authority"
Two datasets were provided by the NSW Office of Water that were used to process Sydney GW Economic Entitlements:
GW_Licenses_by_PAE - This file contains the spatial location of all GW bore locations within the PAEs of the Bioregional Assessment Programme
Sydney_Basin_Water_Access_Licenses_shares.csv - This file contains Licences with volumes extracted
Join files so volumes are attached to spatial locations (bores)
The files were joined by common fields, pseudo code is as follows:
Join GW_Licenses_by_PAE to Sydney_Basin_Water_Access_Licenses_shares.csv by [Licence] [LINKED_TO_WA_CA]
All bore locations within the Sydney Sub-bioregions of Wollongong and Lithgow were selected using a spatial query in ArcGIS. Pseudo codes is as follows:
Using the command "Select by location" in ArcGIS:
Select features from GW_LicenceEntitlement_VolSydney that are compley within the Source layer Feature (Source layer feature = Syd_PAE)
Do count of Licences and add field Frequency
Divide Volume by Frequency
[SydPAEWALs.Sydney_Basin_Water_Access_Licenses_shares_csv_SHARE_COMPONENT] / [licence_count:FREQUENCY]
Output field = Vol_Per_Works
Data is classified into Water Access Right of Basic Water Right based on known use
Basic water right (domestic and stock) - this is the right to take water for domestic and stock purposes only. A basic right for 'take of groundwater' requires approval for the works (bore) but does not require a licence for the extraction of groundwater. A basic right for 'take of surface water' does not require an approval for the works or approval for the extraction of surface water.
*Water access right - this right requires an approval for the works and a licence for the extraction of the water. The extraction of the water can be for a range of purposes including irrigation, commercial, industrial, farming, dewatering, mining, intensive agriculture etc.
See table Purpose_count_volperworkswal to see how individual Licence_Purpose records have been classified and volumes of extraction per use
385 records with no Licence_Purpose from Note 382 are from Sydney Catchment Authority and 6 from Energy Australia.
These records have been classified as "Water Access Right" as large volumes extracted.
Now process PT
Join Property_Number to PT
Result is 16 records with a Licence_Purpose of Groundwater Remediation, Dewatering (Groundwater)
Data merge with to GW_LicenceEntitlements_VolSydney to ensure PTs and WALS all in same dataset.
Groundwater management zones
National Groundwater Management Zones BOM 20150730
The entire Sydney PAE was intersected with the GMA polygons.
11/361 GMA polygons selected - please note polygons to West only slightly intersect and therefore volumes need to take this into account.
Output file = CompleteSYDPAECentroidGMAwiht Volume_May15
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) GW Economic Elements Sydney Basin 20150730. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 June 2018,
Derived From National Groundwater Management Zones BOM 20150730
Derived From Groundwater Entitlement NSW Office of Water 20150526 PersCom removed