Dataset: Asset database for the Arckaringa subregion on 04 March 2016



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

The asset database for Arckaringa subregion (v5) supersedes previous versions of the Arckaringa Asset database (Asset database for the Arckaringa subregion on 27 August 2015, GUID: 7680ecd5-8942-44a2-80a4-d510eee1871d). Total number of registered water assets in this V5 was increased by 2 because two assets changed M2 test from "No" to "Yes" from M2 test review done by Ecologist group.

This dataset contains v3 of the Asset database (ARC_asset_database_20160304.mdb), a Geodatabase version for GIS mapping purposes (ARC_asset_database_GISOnly_20160304.gdb), an updated draft Water Dependent Asset Register spreadsheet (BA-LEB-ARC-130-WaterDependentAssetRegister-AssetList-v20160304.xlsx), a data dictionary (ARC_asset_database_doc_20160304.doc), and a folder (NRM_DOC) containing documentation associated with the Water Asset Information Tool (WAIT) process.

This dataset contains a combination of spatial and non-spatial (attribute) components of the Arckaringa subregion Asset List - an mdb file (readable as an MS Access database or as an ESRI personal geodatabase) holds the non-spatial tabular attribute data, and an ESRI file geodatabase contains the spatial data layers, which are attributed only with unique identifiers ("AID" for assets, and "ElementID" for elements).

The tabular attribute data can be joined in a GIS to the "Assetlist" table in the mdb database using the "AID" field to view asset attributes (BA attribution). To view the more detailed attribution at the element-level, the intermediate table "Element_to_asset" can be joined to the assets spatial datasets using AID, and then joining the individual attribute tables from the Access database using the common "ElementID" fields. Alternatively, the spatial feature layers representing elements can be linked directly to the individual attribute tables in the Access database using "ElementID", but this arrangement will not provide the asset-level groupings.

Further information is provided in the accompanying document, "ARC_asset_database_doc_20160304.doc" located within this dataset.

The public version of this asset database can be accessed via the following dataset: Asset database for the Arckaringa subregion on 04 March 2016 Public (

Dataset History

VersionID Date Notes

1.0 17/03/2015 Initial database

1.1 19/03/2015 Add SA point Eco data ( 2 assets and 67 Elements) and fix some AIDs in table AssetDecisions

2 16/04/2015 remove 6 elements ('NGIS_Bore_HydroID_30020907','NGIS_Bore_HydroID_30020908','NGIS_Bore_HydroID_30020921','Unit No 633800074_South Australian Arid Lands_56231','Unit No 633800075_South Australian Arid Lands_56239','Unit No 633900013_South Australian Arid Lands_56243') from relevant tables and reprocess two assets with AIDs 17632 and 17648 without above 3 elements for each, base on SA state information after asset community workshop

3 7/08/2015 (1) Updated the database for M2 test results provided from ARC assessment team and created the draft BA-LEB-ARC-130-WaterDependentAssetRegister-AssetList-V20150807.xlsx

(2) updated the group, subgroup, class and depth for (up to) 141 NRM WAIT assets to cooperate the feedback to OWS from relevant SA NRM regional office (whose staff missed the asset workshop). The AIDs and names of those assets are listed in table LUT_changed_asset_class_20150807 in ARC_asset_database_20150807.mdb

(3) As a result of (2), added three new assets separated from three exiting assets. Those assets and their parents are listed in table LUT_ADD_3_asstes_20150807 in ARC_asset_database_20150807.mdb. The M2 and M3 test results for those 3 assets are inherited from their parents in this version

(4) Four assets' names from RNE data source were changed for confidential reason and they are listed in table LUT_changed_RNE_20150807 in ARC_asset_database_20150807.mdb

(5) Added Appendix C in ARC_asset_database_doc_201500807.doc is about total elements/assets in current Group and subgroup

(6)Added Four SQL queries (Find_All_Used_Assets, Find_All_WD_Assets, Find_Amount_Asset_in_Class and Find_Amount_Elements_in_Class) in ARC_asset_database_20150807.mdb for total assets and total numbers

(7)The databases, especially spatial database (ARC_asset_database_20150807Only.gdb), were changed such as duplicated attribute fields in spatial data were removed and only ID field is kept. The user needs to join the Table Assetlist or Elementlist to the relevant spatial data.

('NGIS_Bore_HydroID_30020907','NGIS_Bore_HydroID_30020908','NGIS_Bore_HydroID_30020921','Unit No 633800074_South Australian Arid Lands_56231','Unit No 633800075_South Australian Arid Lands_56239','Unit No 633900013_South Australian Arid Lands_56243') from relevant tables and reprocess two assets with AIDs 17632 and 17648 without above 3 elements for each, base on SA state information after asset community workshop.

  1. 27/08/2015 M2_Reason in the Assetlist table and DecisionBrief in the AssetDecisions table have been updated with short descriptions (<255 characters) provided by project team 21/8, and the draft "water-dependent asset register and asset list" (BA-LEB-ARC-130-WaterDependentAssetRegister-AssetList-V20150827) also updated accordingly. No changes to asset numbers.

5 4/03/2016 "(1) Total number of registered water assets was increased by 2 because two assets changed M2 test from "No" to "Yes" from M2 test review done by Ecologist group.

(2) The draft new Water Dependent Asset Register was created"

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2014) Asset database for the Arckaringa subregion on 04 March 2016. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 07 February 2017,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
