The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement.
The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
This image is derived from the 1st vertical derivative of the 2014 Reduced to Pole magnetic imagery and was clipped approximately to the Galilee subregion.
This image was clipped from the GA_magmap_v6_2014_VRTP_1VD_Lambert to a rectangular extent which included the Galilee subregion. It was then brought into ERMapper to further enhance the structures.
This was done by setting the limits to 99% of the histogram limits and applying an autoclip transform.
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) Galilee clip of GA magmap v6 2014 VRTP 1VD. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 07 December 2018,