Dataset: Strategic Agricultural Lands (SAL) Equine Critical Industry Cluster



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

Important Note: 14/01/2015. Since we generated these spatial layer datasets, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment has published an interactive CSG Exclusion Zone map. Interested parties should go to where they can find out more about CSG exclusion zones. The information in the Bioregional Assessment products aligns with the CSG exclusion zones as published by NSW and the subsequent publication of those NSW maps does not alter the information in our assessments.

A polygon dataset showing critical industry Equine Clusters in the Upper Hunter region.

The horse breeding cluster includes a highly integrated concentration of horse breeding facilities and related infrastructure covering thoroughbred and stock horse breeding centres and numerous other equine developments and support services, such as a specialised veterinary centre.


Industry clusters that meet the following criteria:

marketing advantages and is based on an agricultural product;

heritage and natural resources;

Dataset History

The equine cluster is spatially defined as the following land (excluding State Forests and National Park):

Mapping was first completed at a broad regional scale in 2012 as part of the Upper Hunter Strategic Regional Land Use Plan, a commitment was made in the Plan to verify the location of specific enterprises in the clusters.

In 2013, an independent consultant conducted the regional verification process, with input from industry members. The consultant used evidence of current commercial activity.

These maps were exhibited in October and November 2013 to ensure that the process captured all relevant enterprises. Landholders were given the opportunity to nominate their land for inclusion if it met certain criteria. Mining and coal seam gas companies were also given an opportunity to identify properties that they owned as at the date of release of the Strategic Regional Land Use Plan (10 September 2012) to have these properties removed from the CIC mapping.

Dataset Citation

NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure (2013) Strategic Agricultural Lands (SAL) Equine Critical Industry Cluster. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 27 September 2017,

General Information
