Dataset: Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) Community Consultation Survey


Townsville, like so many other communities through Queensland is facing major challenges with the collection and disposal of waste.

Council has built the foundations of a sustainable waste management future aligned with the North Queensland Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2020-2030. Through this endorsed strategy and in partnership with the Queensland State Government, the Council’s vision is to align its future waste operations to allow for a simple transition to food organics and garden organics collection and processing.

The Food Organics Garden Organics community consultation provided Council the opportunity to request community feedback on how the community envision the future growth, asset direction and prosperity of this quality waste and resource environment.

This report identifies and captures all feedback associated with the event and serves as a public document to close the loop on the engagement process. The findings contained herein are presented in their entirety and draw no conclusions or recommendations on project or strategy outcomes going forward.

General Information
