Data showing estimated lime application in Western Australia to treat acidifying soils, 2004-2016. Estimates are based on agricultural lime sales in WA (as supplied by Lime WA Inc).
The data shows the rate of lime use has continued to increase substantially in WA following consistent and sustained Research, Development and Extension projects promoting better management of soil acidity.
Note: This data represents the aggregate agricultural lime sales figures for each year for the 2016 Lime WA members. The data demonstrates the WA trend (and is not an absolute figure of lime used per year in WA). Because the number of members changes overtime these figures, which have been restricted to current members, differ from those previously published. It is estimated that these current members represent approximately 80 percent of the total market share.
For related background information see: card on sustainable natural resource use in agriculture - full report - 25MB.pdf
The data has been used by the Department of Environment and Energy to produce Figure LAN18 in the Land theme of Australia State of the Environment 2016, available at