The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from the Gloucester Surface Water Discharge & Quality extract v1 060314 dataset. The source dataset is identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
This dataset is a point shapefile of selected gauges derived from data provided by the The New South Wales Office of Water (NOW) and collated by the Bureau of Meteorology. Daily streamflow data from 16 unregulated catchments collated by the Bureau of Meteorology were used for model calibration. Out of the 16, four contribute to the Gloucester or Karuah river basins, including the Barrington River at Forbesdale (calibration gauge 208006), Gloucester River at Gloucester (208020), Mammy Johnsons River at Pikes Crossing (209002) and Karuah River at Dam site (209018). Of the remaining catchments, five are in the Manning river basin, six are in the Hunter river basin and one is in the Wallis Lake river basin. The history field in this metadata statement describes how this dataset was derived.
Daily streamflow data from 16 unregulated catchments collated by the Bureau of Meteorology were used for model calibration. These stream gauging sites for the catchments surrounding the Gloucester subregion were selected to represent the rainfall runoff relationship for catchments in the immediate vicinity. Sixteen gauging sites were selected where data quality and length of record was sufficient to calibrate the surface water model within acceptable error bounds. Site details including location information were sourced from the file Gloucester_subregion_Sites.xlsx which forms part of the source dataset. The latitude and longitude fields were used to define the location of the selected gauges and a shapefile was created with the attributes table containing these location information and other fields from the site details file.
Criteria for selecting the calibration catchments include that they:
* have long term measurements (>20 years from 1980)
* are not impacted by coal mining or coal seam gas extraction
* have no significant flow regulation (e.g. dams)
* are not nested
* are close to the Gloucester subregion and have similar catchment sizes and climate regimes.
Bioregional Assessment Programme (XXXX) GLO SW Model Calibration Gauges v01. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 July 2018,