This dataset contains 14 national surfaces, represented by 1km grids, relating
to the cost of salinity damage to local infrastructrure. The infrastructure
cost impacts are limited to those that occur at the location of salinity
problem, downstream and other offsite impacts are not covered. All dollar
values are given in 1996/97 Australian dollars. Each is described as
follows:1. Total cost ($) to all infrastructure (buildings, road, rail and
bridges) based on the low, abesta and high estimates of the impact of the
current (2000) extent of salinity.2. Total cost ($) to all infrastructure
(buildings, road, rail and bridges) based on the low, abesta and high
estimates of the impact of predicted 2020 extent of salinity3. Total cost ($)
the general infrastructure component (buildings etc., derived from population)
as the abesta estimate of the impact of the current (2000) extent of
salinity.4. Total cost ($) the general infrastructure component (buildings
etc., derived from population) based on the abesta estimate of the impact of
the predicted 2020 extent of salinity5. Total cost ($) the road component of
infrastructure based on the abesta estimate of the impact of the current
(2000) extent of salinity.6. Total cost ($) the road component of
infrastructure based on the abesta estimate of the impact of the predicted
2020 extent of salinity7. Total cost ($) the rail component of infrastructure
based on the abesta estimate of the impact of the current (2000) extent of
salinity.8. Total cost ($) the rail component of infrastructure based on the
abesta estimate of the impact of the predicted 2020 extent of salinity9. Total
cost ($) the bridge component of infrastructure based on the abesta estimate
of the impact of the current (2000) extent of salinity.10. Total cost ($) the
bridge component of infrastructure based on the abesta estimate of the impact
of the predicted 2020 extent of salinity11. Total cost ($) increase to local
infrastructure based on the abesta estimate of the impact of the predicted
2020 extent of salinity
See [further metadata](
__08012a09.xml) for more detail.