Dataset: Northern Territory Great Artesian Basin Waterbodies - PED



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

This spatial dataset, surveyed at a scale of 1:1000000, provides polygon information on the Great Artesian Basin aquifer, referred to as the J aquifer, within the Northern Territory. The map depicts the elevation and thickness of the J aquifer, in addition to groundwater elevation, flow direction and the spatial extent of artesian conditions.


The purpose of the survey was to map and describe water resource information for planning and management.

Dataset History

In most probability this layer has been sourced through the Northern Territory Government, Spatial Data and Mapping, Water Resources Division, as follows; The aquifer extent, depth and thickness were derived from geology maps, topographic maps, processed seismic surveys, and point data from groundwater, mineral and petroleum exploration holes. Formation and groundwater depth data was converted to elevation using the SRTM 1 Second DEM-Sv1.0. The hydrology information was interpreted from standing water level measurements, flows from springs, chemical analysis of groundwater samples and surveys of outcrops of recharge beds. The map unit boundaries polygons were digitised by rectifying original hard copy base map use in the raster and hydrology interpretations using Bentley MicroStation Design (V7) software. FME Workbench script was then used to convert the unit boundary polygons from MicroStation Design to ESRI Shape with only the Level Names.

Dataset Citation

SA Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (2015) Northern Territory Great Artesian Basin Waterbodies - PED. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 12 October 2016,

General Information
