Dataset: IMOS NRS mooring network data - Yongala NRS Buoy Wind Speed (scalar avg b 30 min) - From 19 Sep 2013 To 07 Oct 2016


'Australian National Moorings Network' (ANMN) is a facility of the Australian 'Integrated Marine Observing System' (IMOS) project. This data set was collected by the ANMN sub-facility 'National Reference Systems' (NRS) and contains data from the following sensor deployments:

There have been 4 deployments for the Wind Speed (scalar avg b 30 min) data set.

Instrumentation was deployed for measuring Wind Speed (scalar avg b 30 min) from 19 Sep 2013 through to 03 Jun 2014, and the installation was located at/on Yongala NRS Buoy Latitude:-19.3037166595459 - Longitude:147.62045288085938. Sensor deployed was a Vaisala WXT520 Weather Transmitter manufactured by Vaisala, model WXT520.

Instrumentation was deployed for measuring Wind Speed (scalar avg b 30 min) from 03 Jun 2014 through to 24 Sep 2015, and the installation was located at/on Yongala NRS Buoy Latitude:-19.3037166595459 - Longitude:147.62045288085938. Sensor deployed was a Vaisala WXT520 Weather Transmitter manufactured by Vaisala, model WXT520.

Instrumentation was deployed for measuring Wind Speed (scalar avg b 30 min) from 23 Sep 2015 through to 18 May 2016, and the installation was located at/on Yongala NRS Buoy Latitude:-19.3037166595459 - Longitude:147.62045288085938. Sensor deployed was a Vaisala WXT520 Weather Transmitter manufactured by Vaisala, model WXT520.

Instrumentation was deployed for measuring Wind Speed (scalar avg b 30 min) from 01 Jun 2016 through to 07 Oct 2016, and the installation was located at/on Yongala NRS Buoy Latitude:-19.3037166595459 - Longitude:147.62045288085938. Sensor deployed was a Vaisala WXT520 Weather Transmitter manufactured by Vaisala, model WXT520.

General Information
