Dataset: Surface water Preliminary Assessment Extent (PAE) for the Namoi (NAM) subregion - v03



This dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme. The parent datasets are included in the dataset. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

The surface water Preliminary Assessment Extent (PAE) for the Namoi subregion is derived from surface water hydrology features and takes into account directional flow of surface water as well as connectivity pathways. The PAE is based on the 1956 flood map. 1956 is not the wettest year on record but had the largest flood to date due to 1955 being also a wet year for the Namoi region. The 1956 flood extent has been added to flood extent determined by the The River Murray Floodplain Inundation Model (RIMFIM/MODIS maximum flood extent and the PAE drawn by hand with the assistance of expert opinion The file contained within the dataset called SurfaceWaterZoneofImapctMap_enveloped1.pdf shows the hand drawn boundary.

[x[ Santosh Aryal drew surface water PAE over the 1956 flood map in consultation with Peter Baker and Damian Barrett. 1956 flood extent has been added to RIMFIM/MODIS maximum flood extent for other parts of upper MDB (see SurfaceWaterZoneofImapctMap_enveloped1.pdf). Or is it OWL >5% flood mapping by Gordon McKay. The original map is included in the dataset (\\OSM_CBR_LW_BA_reference\repository\NIC\NAM\DATA\Geography\AdministrativeBoundaries\NAM_SW_PAE__v03_20130815\Documentation\SurfaceWaterZoneofImapctMap_enveloped1.pdf)

Expert scientist view (Damian Barrett - see DamiansPolygon.pdf)

* No need to include full floodplain (consider flood volume)

* Keep lower Namoi alluvium as may be impacted

* Stay west of Hunter-Mooki Fault

* Elsewhere use catchment boundaries



The purpose of the PAE is to provide a first step in the process of determining whether a water-related link is possible between coal resource development and the assets. It is intended to be a realistic yet inclusive estimate of the land surface area where potential impacts might occur. As the model-data analysis, impact analysis and risk analysis components of a BA are completed it will be possible to more closely characterise and quantify impacts in terms of their extent and their likelihood.

Dataset History

The surface water Preliminary Assessment Extent (PAE) for the Namoi subregion is derived from surface water hydrology features and takes into account directional flow of surface water as well as connectivity pathways. The PAE is based on the 1956 flood map. 1956 is not the wettest year on record but had the largest flood to date due to 1955 being also a wet year for the Namoi region. The 1956 flood extent has been added to flood extent determined by the The River Murray Floodplain Inundation Model (RIMFIM/MODIS maximum flood extent and the PAE drawn by hand with the assistance of expert opinion The file contained within the dataset called SurfaceWaterZoneofImapctMap_enveloped1.pdf shows the hand drawn boundary.This boundary was digitised to create the shapefile defining the SW PAE.

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) Surface water Preliminary Assessment Extent (PAE) for the Namoi (NAM) subregion - v03. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 11 December 2018,

General Information
