Dataset: Wild dog management 2010 to 2014: National landholder survey results


This publication was produced by ABARES for 'Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) Ltd'

The report presents results and analysis from a national survey of Australian sheep and cattle landholders in late 2014, in areas affected by wild dogs. The results are combined with data from a similar 2010 survey to assess longitudinal changes in wild dog impacts and management activities.

Topics cover landholders' perspectives on wild dog problem severity and distribution, personal and economic impacts and collective management actions. The study also quantifies factors that influence the effectiveness of wild dog management groups and their achievement of outcomes. Around 1010 landholders participated in the 2014 survey.

This study is the final phase in an ABARES research package commissioned by Australian Wool Innovation Ltd. (AWI) that explores collaborative action in wild dog management activities. The research aims to assist AWI and other stakeholders design and plan future investment in wild dog management programmes to support industry viability.

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