This data and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.
NGIS_GSQ_QPED was developed by Bureau staff using the Healthy Headwaters database. Bores that were not including in the State of Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mining, but were present in the Healthy Headwaters database were standardised using the NGIS schema and data dictionary. The primary sources for the groundwater bores were the Geological Survey of Queensland and Queensland Petroleum Exploration Data.
The database was created by staff at the Bureau of Meteorology to complement the QLD NGIS using bores that were not part of the core dataset from the Department of Mining and Natural Resources. The source of groundwater bore data from this dataset is the Geological Survey of Queensland and the Queensland Petroleum and Exporation Database. These bores were sourced for the Healthy Headwaters project and were standardised using the Bureau's NGIS data model and data dictionary.
Bureau of Meteorology (2013) National Groundwater Information System - Geological Survey of QLD and Queensland Petroleum Exploration Data. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 12 December 2018,